Do you have an old thermostats with sliding tabs or turn knobs?

These types of thermostats were manufactured before 1984 where a glass vial of mercury is used to run the furnace, which is less effective than the new models that has been released the following years after. Replacing your thermostat is a simple and inexpensive upgrade. A few reasons to replace your thermostat are:
- Lower energy bills. Switching from a manual to an automatic programmable thermostat can cut your annual energy bills by 5-15%, according to the EPA.
- Settings automatically changes. Temperature can be changed manually; however, can become annoying or completely forgotten about. With an automatic thermostat, it will adjust according to your settings.
- Detailed information. Older thermostats only have one thing, the temperature setting. With newer models, information such as when to change the filters and alerts on if there is a problem.
- Touchscreen. Compared to a dial or a knob, a screen allows the thermostat to be touchscreen and more attractive and easy to use.
- Programmable. Digital thermostats can be programmed to turn on before you get home or warm the house while you sleep.
- Eco-friendly. In older thermostats, mercury is used to run the furnace. With newer models, there is none; removing the risk of being exposed to Mercury which can be detrimental to anyone's health.

Our company works with the Thermostat Recycling Corporation in order to help collect and dispose of thermostats containing Mercury. If you have an extra thermostat laying around, don't throw it in the trash. Dispose of it the right way! Find a site near you or drop it off at your local heating and air conditioning company.